Sam’s Pale Green Trickster Stripe

Sam’s Pale Green Trickster Stripe

This is closer to a dress shirt than Sam’s usual. It shows up in two different run-ins with the Trickster, and then disappears forever. It’s very distinctive, and I find it very classy.

Sam wears this on both Wednesdays in Mystery Spot and JFC even screenshotting that hurt beyond description. Sam leaves this room a different person, and I think I did, too.

He also wears it in the opening credits for Changing Channels.

Shirt Details

This shirt is a solid cotton fabric that seems to holds up well over time and many washes. It's kind of a pale mint green and white, with white pearl buttons.

Worn By
  • Sam Winchester
Episode List (May Not Be Complete)
  • 3.11 Mystery Spot

Favorite Highlights

3.11 Mystery Spot

Sam wears this shirt both Wednesday mornings.

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