Sam’s Malleus Maleficarum Plaid

Sam’s Malleus Maleficarum Plaid

Sam is wearing this shirt the first time Dean tries to kill Ruby. He’s wearing it when he tells Dean he has to try to be more like him, to survive when he’s gone, and he’s wearing it when Ruby saves Dean from the demon/witches spell.

Shirt Details

A lightweight cotton. Does up with snaps.

Worn By
  • Sam Winchester
Episode List (May Not Be Complete)
  • 3.9 Malleus Maleficarum

Favorite Highlights

3.9 Dean Tries to Kill Ruby
3.9 Ruby Saves Dean from the Witches
3.9 Sam and Dean Argue Over Ruby

Sam ends up explaining that he’s changing to be more like Dean, so he’ll survive after Dean dies.

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