Dean’s Red Scoobynatural Plaid

Dean’s Red Scoobynatural Plaid

This is the shirt Dean tells Mary he hates her, but he loves her because he can’t help it – the scene Jensen did not mean to cry during but he let it happen because he lives and breathes and FEELS Dean’s LIFE to share it with us.

Jensen’s copy of this shirt also got turned into cartoon in Scoobynatural AND met Kaleo AND the tape ball, so she’s KIND of a big deal. 🙂

Shirt Details

This is a medium weight soft, flocked flannel. This is the shirt Dean tells Mary he hates her, but he loves her because he can’t help it – the scene Jensen did not mean to cry during but he let it happen because he lives and breathes and FEELS Dean’s LIFE to share it with us.

Jensen’s copy of this shirt also got turned into cartoon in Scoobynatural AND met Kaleo AND the tape ball, so she’s KIND of a big deal. 🙂

Worn By
  • Dean Winchester
Episode List (May Not Be Complete)
  • 12.21 There’s Something About Mary
  • 12.22 Who We Are
  • 13.16 Scoobynatural

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