Soulless Sam’s Smol Smirk Plaid

Soulless Sam’s Smol Smirk Plaid

This shirt is a classic, but my favorite scene it’s in is when Dean REALLY realizes something is wrong with Sam. That little smirk when Soulless!Sam lets him get turned into a Vamp.

Shirt Details

This is a lightweight fabric that will always want ironing. ONCE ironed it is crisp and classy. This is either dark gray or dusty blue it depends on the lighting. Buttons? Buttons.

Worn By
  • Soulless!Sam
  • Sam Winchester
Episode List (May Not Be Complete)
  • 4.3 In the Beginning
  • 5.11 Sam, Interrupted
  • 6.4 Weekend at Bobby’s
  • 6.5 Live Free or Twihard
  • 7.11 Adventures in Babysitting
  • 11.7 Plush
  • 12.17 The British Invasion

Favorite Highlights

5.11 My Brother’s Not Evil, he was just High
6.5 Soulless!Sam Watches Dean Get Turned.

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